6 Sleeping Tips to Get a Better Night’s Rest

6 Sleeping Tips to Get a Better Night’s Rest

6 Sleeping Tips to Get a Better Night’s Rest

Sleep is an extremely important part of your day. You probably already know this, but did you know that sleeping better actually makes you healthier? Getting the optimal amount of sleep is crucial to your health and determines, to a large extent, whether you will have a healthy life and a productive one as well.

Without getting enough rest, we are easily influenced by external factors such as light and noise. When our brains are alight from lack of sleep, they struggle to regulate their internal body clocks and maintain a healthy sleep-wake cycle.

Even though there are many different types of insomnia, the common denominator is usually a shortage of undisturbed sleep at night. This article shares some great tips on how to get a better night’s rest so that you can feel refreshed and ready for your next day with energy.

Set a bedtime routine

Bedtime is the magic time when your body is set to relax. It’s when our brain’s serotonin levels drop and our bodies begin to process sleepiness signals. So, to get the most out of your bedtime, make it a point to set a routine.

It could be writing something beautiful, reading some pages of a favorite novel, meditating, or doing whatever else your body and mind enjoy doing before you fall asleep. 

Maintaining a consistent sleep routine, especially on the weekends, might make it easier for you to fall asleep and get up in the morning by keeping your body’s internal clock on track.

Get a quality mattress and pillow set up in your bedroom

A quality sleeping surface is the foundation for good sleep, a healthy body and a healthy mind. The right mattress and pillow can greatly influence your sleep and help you sleep better.

If you like the hug feeling you get from an enormous hug pillow when sleeping at night, getting the appropriate pillow for your bed can help make your sleep more enjoyable. It might even be that you sleep better on a cold day. Hence, getting a quality fiber mattress will be the ideal choice to make.

When it comes to your bedding, you should try using bed sheets that are cotton because they are made of natural materials and they can handle sensitive skin and allergies. A quality duvet or comforter is also a good idea as a topper. What is most important is that you choose your mattress, pillow, and even bedding that you are comfortable with.

Complete your perfect sleep sanctuary with options like an Amish bedroom set to bring a touch of elegance to your private space. Sometimes, sleep is enhanced when the immediate surrounding offers a cohesive and harmonious look. The visual appeal of a well-setup bedroom plays a calming effect on the brain, contributing to a better night’s rest. There is more to quality sleep than shutting your eyes.

Sleeping position matters

One of the most important things you can do for sleep is to get into the right position in bed. There are numerous different sleeping positions you can try out. You can try lying prone, side-lying, or stomach-to-chest.

The traditional “front-lying” (prone) position is not recommended for people who have low back problems (sciatica). The “side-lying” position with a pillow between your knees can be recommended as one of the best sleeping position for people with sciatica, as it takes the pressure off the irritated nerve and allows the hips and knees to dangle off the bed while the back is straight.

There’s also the option of putting your head on a pillow or even the floor, depending on your preferences. Try to find a position that’s comfortable for you and lets your brain relax while you sleep.

 It’s also important to note that if you’re prone to waking up with a headache, try sleeping on your back or side. It will better align your spine and probably stop the headache. Try to find a sleeping position that works best for you so that you can get the most out of your sleep.


Studies show that Magnesium can actually help you get more shut-eye. This essential mineral plays a crucial role in various bodily functions, including muscle relaxation and nerve function. By calming the nervous system and easing muscle tension, magnesium can contribute to a more restful sleep.

Eat well and have a healthy diet

We are what we eat, and eating well is the single most important step you can take to help improve your sleep. You should aim for high-quality protein at every meal and snack, healthy fats in the form of non-Omega-3 fatty acids, vegetables, and fruits, and fiber in the form of whole grains, legumes, and nuts. Vegetables and fruits should make up at least 50% of your diet.

You should also consume a healthy amount of magnesium and Vitamin B-12. Fruits like kiwis and oranges have been proven to improve sleep, while other fruits like watermelons, plums, and nectarines have a balanced sleep-inducing and stress-relieving effect on the body.

Avoid caffeinating before bed

Caffeine, whether it be in coffee, tea, cola, or some other drink, is a stimulant, and can disrupt your sleep or even prevent you from sleeping. Caffeine interferes with your sleeping cycle, making it harder for your body to produce natural sleep-inducing hormones like melatonin. People who drink large amounts of caffeine often find that they’re more prone to insomnia.

So, try avoiding caffeine at least 6–7 hours before bedtime to avoid it disrupting your sleep.

Set a deadline for sleeping

How long you sleep is important, but what time you sleep is even more crucial. You need to set a deadline for when you sleep, so that you don’t wake up in the middle of the night with no reason. You also need to set a deadline for when you get up in the morning, so that you don’t miss getting ready for the day.

Again, everyone’s sleep schedule is different, and you may have to figure this out on your own. Most people report feeling more alert and energetic after about 7–8 hours of sleep. It’s important to find a bedtime routine that works for you so that you get the right amount of sleep each night.

Sleep Debt: The Cost of Lost Sleep Infographic 

Infographic provided by Bel Furniture, a provider of bedroom furniture in Texas


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