When my daughter was very little, I struggled with putting candy in her Easter basket. I didn’t want to completely restrict sugar, as I really feel that deprivation breeds motivation. Some children ( I personally know) who were completely restricted from sugar as kids, are now complete sugar monsters and sneak it at every given moment. Sometimes the strict no sugar rule can backfire, especially as kids turn into adults with no more parental food policing.
Not to be THAT Mom, I did give my daughter candy on holidays and special occasions, but I tried to go for quality over quantity. I looked for sweets that used pure ingredients, or sweetened with honey. Thankfully the natural candy movement has only grown, especially with choices for kids who have allergies or food sensitivities.
Here are my finds from the recent Expo West which I think are worth mentioning (& buying!)
Yum Earth Gummy Bears – Organic, Gluten-Free & Nut Free
The flavors of these organic gummy bears are amazing! Pomegranate Pucker, Mango Tango, Perfectly Peach, Strawberry Smash
Free2B Chocolate – Dairy Free – Allergen Free
The Free2B chocolates are both incredibly delicious and allergen-friendly. Dairy lovers – I promise you won’t miss the milk! The flavors are THAT GOOD.
In addition to being Top 7 allergen-free, the products are certified gluten-free, certified Kosher, and Non-GMO Project verified. They also only use cacao beans that are Rainforest Alliance Certified. That means that the chocolate in everything they make comes from farms that look out for their workers and the planet. How cool is that? We especially love their peanut free Nut Cups.
Heavenly Organics – Fair-trade, Dairy-Free, Soy-Free Honey based treats
Sometimes the most basic things, are the tastiest. The Heavenly Organics Patties only have three ingredients! Heavenly Organics raw 100% organic honey is so divine and different from other organic raw honeys because it comes from naturally-occurring wild beehives found deep within the pristine forests of Northern and Central India and parts of the Himalayan Mountains.
That means that neither the hives nor the free-range bees have ever been exposed to pesticides, pollutants, genetically modified crops or antibiotics. We are proud to say that our honey is chemical free. Their chocolate honey patties are delicious and an amazing sustainable treat.
Wella Bars – Organic, High Protein + Honey
This yummy protein packed bars are so tasty, you’ll feel like you’re eating a special treat! A portion of sales of Wella Bars goes to fund research to enhance the health and vitality of honey bees.
TreeHugger All Natural Bubble Gum – Vegan, No Corn Syrup & All Natural
This all natural chewing gum comes in fun flavors and individually wrapped, or in bulk if you’d like to fill a container. The colors are more natural looking and very pretty!