5 Signs Your Child is Unhappy at School

5 Signs Your Child is Unhappy at School

As parents, our children’s happiness is one of our biggest concerns. COVID-19 has presented new challenges to many students across the country, as many children are either doing online school or a hybrid version of online and in person school. Many kids are struggling with the new learning format; many children need in person school to learn if they are not good at ‘self-directed’ studying for online learning. As parents, how do we monitor our kids’ well-being? . 

While the occasional bad day at school is perfectly normal, we all have subjects that we don’t enjoy and teachers we’d rather avoid. But, sometimes, it’s more than this. Sometimes, our kids hate school. They dread going in, they feel anxious about the day ahead, and they can’t see any enjoyment in school. This can seriously affect their mental health, but also their education. They won’t ever get the most out of school if they are unhappy. 

Unfortunately, it’s not always easy to tell. Your kids might not confide in you too much about their school day. You might get a lot of “don’t know” or “can’t remember” when you ask about their days. So, here’s a look at some of the signs to watch out for. 

Change of Behavior

Children can be grumpy and emotional, so the odd mood is probably nothing to worry about. But, if changes to their behavior, acting out, attention-seeking, and other changes are sustained, it might be a sign that they are unhappy and have a lot on their minds. 

If you do notice a change of behavior, these well-being tips for back to school can help when your children are starting a new school year or returning after a break, but they can also give you some guidance on how to cope if your child is unhappy or struggling to settle at school. Spotting the signs is the first step, but it’s important to do something about them. 

Dragging Their Heels in the Morning

We all try to avoid things that make us unhappy, and children are no different. If your little one is stalling over breakfast, slow to get dressed, and reluctant to go to school or get on the computer to start online school, they might be dreading the rest of the day. 

Not Wanting to Talk About Their Day

Not all children are forthcoming about their day, but you can usually get some stories with a little gentle inquiry. If they really don’t want to talk or clam up about specific elements of their day, there may be a problem. 

Poor Grades

It’s reported that children across the United States are getting more D and F grades than ever before, and the change in learning from COVID-19 is most definitely related. Children who are unhappy at school might find it hard to focus and concentrate, so it’s no surprise that their grades often suffer. Don’t worry about the odd bad grade, but if you see your child consistently failing or not turning in assignments, then your child is suffering and will need additional help either with tutoring, counseling or more parental support.

Frequent Minor Illnesses

Coughs, colds, and other bugs are common, especially in school-aged children. But, if minor illnesses seem to be happening all of the time, and never at weekends or over the holidays, they might be avoiding school.

If you are worried that your child is unhappy at school, the best thing that you can do is speak with them. But, don’t put pressure on them to speak. Keep things light, ask questions, and make sure they know that you are there for them no matter what.