Innovative Pet Lab Review: Testing My Dog’s Gut Health At Home

Innovative Pet Lab Review: Testing My Dog’s Gut Health At Home

Dog diarrhea can happen, but if it’s happening frequently there could be an underlying condition. AD Innovative Pet Lab offers an at-home comprehensive test for your dog’s gut health. The IPL diagnostic tool, created by diagnostic test professionals in doctors, covers six different functional gut health check tests that can measure inflammation and immunity, digestion and detox, and leaky gut.

innovative pet labs test for dogs


Symptoms of gut health issues go beyond diarrhea! Scratching, malaise, and even behavioral issues can all stem from intestinal issues.

I was excited to try the test on my dog Abby, although I was a little apprehensive at the same time. What were we going to find inside my rescue dog from Mexico?

innovative pet labs test review

The test is a little pricey, BUT considering all of the diagnostic tests it includes, it’s actually a great screening tool. A trip to the vet can far exceed the cost of the test and I love that this is something I can do from home. Other thank stalking my dog to get a fresh stool sample, the test includes all the materials needed to collect a stool sample to send back and get results online.

Many gut health related issues can be resolved with supplement or diet changes, so really it’s a cost effective way to manage my pet’s health vs waiting until we have a BIG problem with a very big vet bill!


See the Innovative Pet Lab review here:

The test includes all the materials needed to collect a stool sample to send back and get results online.


I love that the Innovative Pet Lab test provides actual results that can be used as a benchmark.

Example of one of my dog’s results: 

Innovative Pet Lab Review test results

My dog is in range for particular test, and they also provide lots and lots of information beyond that to explain what the test is for and what the results mean. It also provides suggestions on how to remedy any issues!

Although my dog did test in the normal range for all six diagnostic tests, I like that email have established a baseline so should she have any new issues crop up I can run a new test to see where issues are forming. My mother in law has a rescue pup that constantly has diarrhea, so she is going to try the test next!

The Comprehensive Review test is also for cats!


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