How To Regain Your Confidence Amid Postpartum ‘Bounce Back’ Culture

How To Regain Your Confidence Amid Postpartum ‘Bounce Back’ Culture

Nowadays, it’s not enough to be just a mom. There’s also the pressure to be a cool mom, and a hot mom. The first may be achieved by being up-to-date on all the latest trends. But being a hot mom who can rock a pair of skinny jeans just weeks after giving birth can be a little more challenging, especially if you’ve experienced a painful birth injury. 

Blame it on ‘bounce back’ culture, which is all about making a swift return to one’s pre-baby body in a way as though the pregnancy didn’t happen at all. According to Sophie Brock, a motherhood-studies sociologist based in Sydney, Australia, moms are expected to adhere to certain rules and expectations, and bounce back culture is an example of that. “Mothers are expected to be able to erase any physical evidence of ever having children, while devoting their ‘all’ to their children,” she explains in an interview with BBC. No mom should have to bounce back so quickly since doing so can be dangerous to health. Instead, allow yourself to fully recover, and learn to love your post-pregnancy body. Here’s how to regain your confidence amid postpartum bounce back culture. 

Don’t Compare Yourself to Celebrities

If you’re on social media and you follow some influencers or celebrity moms who have just given birth, you’re probably wondering how they got in shape so fast and what they did to drop the pounds. Take for instance Margot Robbie, who looked slim and svelte in a crop top just one month after giving birth. First, it’s important to remember that these women are in the public eye, and it’s their job to look good. This means that they have access to nutritionists and fitness trainers to help them slim down fast. It’s likely that they’ve also had mommy makeovers, which involve a variety of aesthetic treatments. 

A mommy makeover can be a good solution to bounce back quickly, but it can also be beneficial for moms who are unable to shed excess fat years after giving birth. It’s also ideal for women who simply want to look their best before going back to the corporate world. A mommy makeover is one of the most common procedures requested by women in the US, and Scottsdale mommy makeover patients say that having it improved their overall appearance and self-confidence. 

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to restore your looks, but try not to compare yourself with celebrities. These individuals are paid to look a certain way for roles or ad campaigns, and in most cases, their contract states that they have to be in shape for projects. If you’re not a model or an actor, you don’t have to worry about losing the baby weight right after giving birth. Give yourself time to heal, and focus on regaining strength and energy first since you’ll need it to take care of a baby. After that, work on improving your figure, but do it in a healthy and sustainable way.   

Focus on What You Can Do Right Now

The recovery period after giving birth can be tough, so most doctors don’t recommend strenuous exercise right after a normal delivery or a C-section. It can be disheartening to feel heavy or out of shape, but really, the best thing to do is to wait until it’s safe to exercise, and focus on what you can do right now to feel good. A new hairstyle or hair color can do wonders to lift your spirits and boost your confidence. Even a simple manicure and pedicure can help to make you feel pampered. If you can’t leave the house, ask someone to watch the baby and take a bubble bath or aromatherapy bath. Try different self-care activities to treat yourself so you can have something to look forward to.

Dress to Fit Your Current Body

Most women wait until they’ve shed the weight to wear their old clothes or go shopping for new ones. However, being stuck with nothing but maternity wear can make you feel as though your pregnancy never ended, so why not dress to suit your body right now? It’s a great way to celebrate this stage of your life and what you’ve accomplished over the past few months. Think luxe loungewear pieces, like flowy pants with matching tops, supportive leggings paired with flowy tunics, or comfy dresses with a higher waistline. Finish your outfit with a chic bag and cute but comfortable shoes. 

Bounce back culture is so prevalent that it’s easy to be consumed with thoughts about getting your figure back. However, keep in mind that you only have to be what you need to be, so don’t be pressured about having to look a certain way. Consider the tips mentioned above to restore your confidence, and learn to love your body as you take time to heal and recover.