While inflation is causing food prices to rise, many are looking for cheaper, lesser-quality items to supplement their grocery shopping list. However, organic milk is a product that should not be subsituted out, and here’s why.
FTC Notice: Although I received this product for free with compensation, all opinions are that of my own.
When purchasing food for my family, it’s important to me that my food is clean and is produced in a meaningful way. I naturally gravitate towards organic milk simply because it is produced under stricter rules versus regular milk. To produce milk that the USDA certifies as organic, cows cannot be given hormones that stimulate milk production. Additionally, any feed they are given must be grown without synthetic pesticides. Glyphosate is just an example of a horrible pesticide that I do not want in my food sources, so I am thankful that organic feed is not subject to that. And throughout the entire growing season, organic-milk farmers are required to put cows out to pasture.
I specifically look for Organic Valley milk because they take even FURTHER steps to ensure a better product is created and by happy cows. Organic Valley is a cooperative, not a corporation, which means the 1,800 small organic family farms that are part of the cooperative also own the business! I actually know someone who grew up on a cooperative farms in Northern California. The cows were grazing almost all the time on her family’s property and when it was time to be milked, the cows actually brought themselves in! It was a very peaceful and collaborative process, and yes happy mooing on the way back to the milking stable.
On Organic Valley farms, animals freely express their natural behaviors—like grazing, foraging, and playing on pasture. Cows graze regenerative pastures because Organic Valley believes in working in harmony with nature, is good for animals, and helps provide the creamiest milk and the cheesiest cheese. In fact, on average, Organic Valley cows spend 50% more time outside on pasture than USDA organic standards require. That is SUPER important to me!
As a lacto-ovo-pescatarian (yeah, it’s a mouthful), I am picky when it comes to my ingredients. I want fresh, local and safe food (and sadly that puts me in the picky category!) When enjoying milk in my creamy overnight oats or simply a huge splash in my morning coffee, I like knowing that my milk has been throughly tested and checked. Organic Valley’s excellent quality includes 57 separate quality checks so they can be sure families are always getting the best.
Organic Valley exceeds the organic standards to bring the best to families everywhere.