For the Love of European Olive Oil

For the Love of European Olive Oil

The following post is sponsored by Momsmeet and European Olive Oil, but the opinions and experiences are that of my own.

I feel fortunate to have traveled extensively with my family.  I’ve been to beautiful locations and have seen gorgeous historical buildings, but yet the highlight of my trips almost always seem to revolve around food. I love food!

Eating in Europe has always been a treat as the food just tastes so pure, fresh and clean.  Typically the most simple snacks were often the best.

For example, after walking around cobblestone streets for a few hours exploring ancient sites, a simple baguette dipped liberally in European olive oil with a sprinkle of salt can be mind-bending.

When my daughter was very young, we took her to France, Spain, Italy and Croatia and even as a small child she loved the various olive oils we would be served. To this day she still has fond memories of European olive oil drizzled pasta and bread.

There’s something magical about Extra Virgin Olive Oil from Europe. As we traveled through the European countryside farms, eating our way across the land, it was clear that the farmers have a great love for olive production and hence why they make such an outstanding product.

It was also so fun tasting the different flavors of European Olive Oil from region to region. Some had a grassier taste, and others were smooth like creamy butter and paired great with a tangy balsamic vinegar.

Over thousands of years, farmers have evolved hundreds of varieties of olive trees (cultivars) and optimized them for different environment conditions and terrains to produce the most delicious yields.

European olive oil is very balanced and rich tasting. Experts olive oil testers in Europe will taste for defects and only choose oils that have that signature fruity balanced taste.


Have you ever wondered why some olive oils have different tastes? Here’s a good guide to explain taste differences.

• Olives harvested early in the season, late August (varies by region), are
under-ripe and produce oils that are greener, more bitter and pungent.
• Olives harvested at the end of the season, late November into December,
are overripe and tend to taste mild and buttery.
Spanish oil is typically golden yellow with a fruity, nutty flavor.
Italian olive oil is often dark green and has an herbal aroma and a grassy
Greek olive oil packs a strong flavor and aroma and tends to be green.
French oil is typically pale in color and has a mild flavor.

How to Use & Store Olive Oil

  • Olive oil has a high smoke point (400° F), so it can handle anything from a light sauté to a deep (and deeply flavorful) fry.
  • You can bake with olive oil, as well.
  • Between use, store your oil someplace dark and cool (around 57° F, if possible), not on the counter or near a stove, and never in the refrigerator.
  • Keep the lid screwed on tight, and use your oil within six months of opening, and within 18 months of purchasing.

Olitalia believes all great cooking revolves around great oil. Olitalia is the #1 brand most used by chefs in Italy and is now available for home cooking in the US. Look for Olitalia at Eataly locations.

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